Superbreak Mini-Holidays Ltd – advice for customers
Superbreak Mini-Holidays Ltd (ABTA Y1453) has ceased trading on 1 August 2019
Superbreak Mini-Holidays Ltd, trading as Super Break was a Member of ABTA.
If you have booked a holiday with Super Break, we regret that all bookings that have not departed may be cancelled. The vast majority of holidaymakers’ travel arrangements will be covered through one of a number of different types of financial protection.
If you are currently on a Super Break holiday, you should be able to continue with your trip as planned. More information is available here.
Whilst this news may be extremely upsetting for you, please be assured if your holiday was booked with Super Break, we are here to help you.
We have specific advice for customers, which will vary depending on the type of booking that you have made. It is very important that you follow this advice closely.
ABTA Claims helpline
For all enquiries relating to non-air travel (non-ATOL) bookings, or if you have already submitted a claim and have a query, customers and agents may call the ABTA Claims Helpline on 020 3758 8746 (Monday-Friday, 09:00-17:30) or email quoting your claims reference.
Travel agent or other travel company bookings
If you made your booking through a travel agent or other travel company – not directly with Super Break – then you will need to contact that company for advice and guidance.
Direct bookings with Superbreak Mini-Holidays Ltd
Holidays that include a flight
If your holiday includes a flight, you need to contact the CAA directly to make a claim for your holiday booking.
Please visit the CAA website for more information.
Customers in Jersey and the Isle of Man with direct flights to Iceland
We are aware of a number of customers with flight packages booked, flying directly from Jersey or the Isle of Man to Iceland. We understand that an ATOL Certificates may have been issued in error by Super Break on your booking. You should make a claim following the ABTA procedure below, and not to the CAA ATOL scheme.
Holidays that include accommodation and travel (excluding flights) and/or other services, such as theatre or concert tickets, attraction tickets and excursions
If you have booked a holiday which includes accommodation and travel (excluding flights) and/or other services with Super Break and you paid by credit or debit card, you should be able to claim through your credit card company.
Your credit card company may ask you for a referral letter from ABTA, so to help you with your claim, you can download a letter on the following links. If all or part of your payment was made using a credit card please click here, if you paid by debit card please click here.
If you paid Super Break by any other means, you will need to make a claim from ABTA, you can do this through this link:
Hotel accommodation-only bookings
If you made a booking with Super Break for accommodation only, the company chose not to protect those sales with ABTA.
If you booked accommodation only then you will need to submit a claim to your credit or debit card company.
Your card company may ask you for a referral letter from ABTA, so to help you with your claim, you can download a letter on the following links. If all or part of your payment was made using a credit card please click here, if you paid by debit card please click here.
If you paid by any other method you will need to register your claim with the Administrator, KPMG.
Customers who are currently on holiday
If you are currently on a Super Break holiday which is an ABTA protected package (rail or other non-flight packages) you should be able to continue with your trip as planned, but you can contact ABTA if you encounter any difficulties with arrangements.
If you are on a Super Break holiday which is an ATOL protected package (flight-based packages) you should be able to continue with your trip as planned but if you encounter any difficulties you should contact the CAA.
If you are experiencing difficulties in resort and require assistance, please contact ABTA on 020 3117 0553.
Late Rooms Ltd (
We understand that Late Rooms Ltd trading as has ceased trading on 1 August 2019. They were not an ABTA Member. More information is available here.