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As well as our financial criteria, our Travel with confidence consumer message is rooted in:
The ABTA Code of Conduct sets high standards that all ABTA members must follow. As a member, it means you deliver great service.
It is a key part of ABTA membership and its aims are:
The Code comes with guidance on how to comply with it, and we will advise you to keep you right.
It contains our standards when dealing with customers, for example:
Our message to customers is look for the logo, as that way they will have the protection of the Code.
If something does go wrong, your customers can have peace of mind that, as an ABTA member, you will deal with any complaint well. Under the Code of Conduct, you will reply to complaints in good time. If necessary, your customers can speak to us and we will help them with dispute resolution.
ABTA has an approved ADR scheme, designed to assist you and your customer resolve any issues. We also offer an independent arbitration scheme, which is compulsory on members, and therefore offers customers a guaranteed and simple method of settling a dispute.
Customers rate this as a key benefit of booking with an ABTA member.