05 Mar

Don’t miss the travel industry’s biggest finance event

As a finance director in the travel industry, there are many areas you must understand to keep your business running successfully. This event can also be used towards your continuing professional development. 

Hear in-depth insights on the key topics, including managing foreign exchange risk, the future of payments, mergers and acquisitions, IR35, Travel VAT & TOMS and managing risk with trade partners. All these issues and more will be discussed at ABTA’s fourth annual Travel Finance Conference on 10 and 11 March 2020. The Payment Systems Regulator will be giving an update on the card acquiring market review and general developments in payments regulation. Listen to the CAA discuss the success of consumer financial protection in 2019 including lessons from the Thomas Cook Group collapse and hear an update from the Bank of England.

According to Neil Kester, RSM’s Accounting and Financial Reporting Director: “There are lots of new financial reporting developments now upon us that travel businesses will need to be aware of – ranging from lease accounting, the first triennial review of UK GAAP, financial reporting implications of Brexit and new Strategic Report requirements. I look forward to giving an update at the upcoming conference.” 

For more information and to register, please visit abta.com/abtaevents