29 Jan

ABTA welcomes Government announcement on airport expansion

ABTA Chief Executive, Mark Tanzer, said:

“ABTA welcomes the Government’s announcement approving airport expansion.

“The Government has said it wants to remove logjams to development and barriers to economic growth, thereby helping the UK economy to grow. Outbound travel will have a vital role in helping to create and maintain this growth; in 2023, it generated £51.6bn for the UK economy, supporting 818,000 jobs throughout the country.

“To deliver growth in aviation while meeting environmental goals we need Government support – both in policy and finance – to help the industry develop solutions, such as developing a domestic sustainable aviation fuel industry. The travel industry is making good progress in these areas, but the decision on airport expansion today brings back into focus the need for the sector to work with Government so that we both deliver growth and contribute to the UK’s roadmap to net-zero.”