13 Jun

IATA NewGen ISS agent readiness briefing

On 31 May, ABTA hosted IATA’s briefing for UK agents on getting ready for the implementation of NewGen ISS (NGI).

The IATA team delivered the workshop to a packed room of around 60 agents, covering the new BSP software and reports and agent readiness for NGI and Transparency in Payments (TIP).

Copies of the presentations can be found below:

IBSP output workshop

Travel Agent Readiness workshop

The key message for IATA agents is to begin preparations for NGI by:

  • Considering which Accreditation Model to choose (agents will be transferred to the Go-Standard model by default if they do not choose an alternative model)
  • Monitoring Risk Events on the IATA Portal
  • Considering the potential impact of Risk Status*.

*Agents should review carefully pages 6-8 of the workshop slides, which set out the list of Risk Events and identifies their potential impact on the agent’s Risk Status.  In particular, note those Risk Events which will cause a fail at one occurrence, remaining on the agent’s risk history for a period of 24 months.

The timeline for implementation shows expected implementation date of 1 February 2019. IATA will advise agents of their Remittance Holding Capacity and Risk Status approximately 30 days before implementation, via email to the portal administrator.

IATA has informed us that they will be holding webinars for agents, and we will let you know when those dates are released.